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Become a U4U Volunteers

We always weldome and deeply respect our volunteers. To become a volunteer, please fill in the form at this link and send us an email at to introduce yourself

We rely on your support, and we dedicate a lot of effort to "gratuating" our beneficiaries to volunteers. This is an incdredicle integration tool that builds confidence and new skills. 

Among other things, we are looking for support with 

Guidance and education:  Please propose new activities, help kids and parents implement their ideas, support their thinking, propose solutions, encourage to share and partake.  No language skills are required.  We emphasize learning through doing and imagination. 

Management:  Please help us plan, promote, schedule, follow up and, most importantly, chase us!  (We are quite bad at that:))

Resource mobilisation:  Please help us maintain and develop new partnerships, mobilize resources and raise funds.  We know how.  We just don't have the time!  We need you sooooo much.  

New projects:  We are keen to expand into the field of animal therapy, nature, sports etc.  Just to repeat yet again, we believe that non-verbal communications carry enormous healing value, with language skills naturally following suit.  

 Any and all help is welcome!!!  

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