"As migration reshapes our world, the traditional therapist's toolkit is not cutting it. OK’TAVA is only testing its open heart for now, offering a haven where healing is not confined by language but dances freely through brushstrokes, rhythmic movements, smell and touch, paint and canvass, and the melody of music. The silent cries of the displaced, the distressed, and the disheartened find a voice in this unspoken language of art."

"The [U4U Badminton] Club, which is run by refugees for refugees and locals in the heart of the Olympic Capital, is an immediate real-life testament that sports like badminton serve as a catalyst for healing and connection. A familiar sport accessible to all generations, walks of life and athletic levels, badminton has physical, mental, and emotion-al benefits that are key to recovery and com-munity building.
For women refugees and migrants, engaging in sports like badminton provides an accessible and happy link to the host community,” Kamarali notes. “We are overwhelmed with demand by women and girls to expand the Club to intergenerational teams. A familiar group sport, badminton provides a plat-form for self-expression and integration, creating a sense of belonging.”

Skills for SCYL: The Alps show new horizons to young leaders

2023 July UN newSpecial SCYL.pdf

"In the wake of the COVID pan-demic, the invasion of Ukraine and the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, U4U and WAY saw the urgent need to show new horizons and offer new hope to the young people whose lives have been deeply affected by the world-changing events. Thus was born the idea of breaking the barriers of trauma, isolation and displacement through ‘sur-vival therapy,‘ a series of physical and intellectual challenges that place participants far outside the comfort zone of four walls, mental and actual."



Un Pas Vers l'Integration: "Les Ukrainiens veulent un Iogement et un travail"

Tribune de Geneve - U4U August 2022.pdf

"Reunir 2600 benevoles en mains de six mois: le succes de U4U a de quoi faire des envieux dans le monde associatif. Elle se demene avec beaucoup d'energie pour apporter une aide concrete et refle­chie a la population qui fuit la guerre. Et lui permettre de gagner en independance dans un pays dans lequel son sejour devrait durer. Un defi a la taille de la solidarite qui anime les volontaires.
Dans l'ombre des institutions comme le Canton ou l'EVAM, U4U s'est dej imposee comme un acteur de premier plan dans la prise en charge des Ukrainiens. Elle a ainsi reussi a placer plus de 400 familles dans des logements prives en Suisse et en France voisine et aider plus de 2900 refugies pour repondre a leurs besoins fondamentaux en termes de nourriture et de soins medicaux notamment, ou en­core dans leurs demarches administratives. 

Pression:  Bénévoles a Bout de Souffle 

In an exclusive interview to 24Heurs, Yulia LEM, the founder and president of U4U Volunteers, emphasizes the importance of providing adequate support to volunteers, who are the first crisis responders and who suffer from exhaustion, lack of resources and enormous psychological pressure caused by the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. 

"Conceived by the Geneva-based NGO United for U (U4U), which addresses the critical needs of people in distress, including refugees and disabled persons, OK’TAVA serves as a safe space where everyone can express themselves through various forms of art. Expressions are unlimited here – from visual arts to dance, yoga, smell and touch. Communication through arts – in a broad sense - is nourished and encouraged by OK’TAVA guides and therapists such as myself.

The integration of such initiatives as OK’TAVA into therapeutic discourse underscores the broader impact of creative expression on mental well-being, fostering inclusion and resilience. This interconnected approach supports the profound influence of art therapy beyond individual narratives, weaving a tapestry of support and solidarity within communities."

3'500 refugies ukrainiens accueil dans le canton de Vaud

LFM 3 mai 2022 - Evam - Radio.pdf

In an exclusive interview to LFM La Radio, Yulia LEM, the founder and president of U4U Volunteers, gives an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the organization and grassroot initiatives in responding to an unprecedented flow of refugees fleeing the war zone in Ukraine in the spring 2022.

Op-ed: In Europe, helping refugees is
trending in spectacular fashion.
That's great. It would be even better if we could treat all refugees this way.

"The governmental action alone in Switzerland is unprecedented. But those systems can barely keep up with the efforts of private citizens who offer not just homes but clothing, food, jobs, and help with residential paperwork and other assistance via grassroots efforts or organizations like United for U (www.unitedforu.org) ...

All over Europe, regular people are flinging open their doors to Ukrainians, to people who may look a lot like them.
"How can I help?" Moms, dads, doctors, and professionals in my community pop up like angels in my text messages. On Facebook and WhatsApp they share links and ideas for helping the Ukrainian refugees. They exchange news stories and laws daily, relaying refugee facts on our chat like the business of displacement has become the new stock market. Neighbors of all ages offer homes, garages for supply storage, curtains for new refugee centers, medical supplies and expertise, and more.."

U4U Volunteers' Role is Recognized and Noted by Swiss Television Channels 

RTS 3 Mai 2022:  "Refugees Ukraniennes:  Acceuil en Pays de Vaud".

News excerpt available at:   https://youtu.be/w3dgA3SHcUI

La Tele 2 Mai 2022: "Refugees Ukraniennes:  Acceuil en Suisse".

News excerpt available at:  https://youtu.be/f1aF5sV6PvI



Remerciement de L'Etablissement Vadouise d'Acceuil des Migrants (EVAM) 

La toute jeune ONG « United for U »
veut soulager les réfugiés ukrainiens